Friday, 15 May 2015

Carrie Hope Fletcher Appriciation Post

Right, if you read my 'My YouTuber Inspiration' post you will know that Carrie was apart of it, so this may not be much of a surprise that I am writing a post solely on her.

That smile is just contagious 

I've been watching Carrie for a year and a half plus now and I wish I found out about her YouTube Channel before because in my younger teenage years, I probably could have done with some of her advice and cheeriness.  If I ever need cheering up or motivated or for inspiration I will be on her channel binge watching her videos with a cuppa tea.


Because she always has a positive outlook on life.  Obviously, I am not that naive and that I know this is only what we see through a camera and she will also have many days where negativity plays a major role, but she creates these videos to make people smile, make them feel better about themselves and entertain people, and that is exactly what she does.

Carrie doesn't care what people think about her because at the end of the day it is only her she needs to please, and I love that aspect of her and that is what I am and many others are aiming to do.

I have seen her in Les Mis, I went in August 2014 with my Mum and Nan but I never actually went to the backstage door to say "Hi" or anything and I do regret it but just watching her in Les Mis was enough, watching her do what she truly loves and hearing her voice in person singing is just wow! It is absolutely amazing.

I am going to link, just a few, of my favourite videos of hers that always cheer me up and that I end up watching over and over again.

My first video of hers I watched was because I was subscribed to Tom and they started Dear Tom/Carrie (now also Gi).  It was her second Dear Tom video and I have always remembered this because it made me laugh a little and I thought she was just adorable.

Carrie has recently, on the 23rd April, released her book "All I Know Now" and I seriously cannot wait to read it after my AS Level exams.  It got to number 1 as the best seller in The Sunday Times. She puts so much time and effect into every aspect of her life; her acting, her singing, her writing, making videos and numerous other things.

For me, she is definitely seen as a big sister I never had and an amazing role model to look up to for advice and positivity.


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