So here's my low overdue explanation post about the lack of Blogmas in December and the lack of posts now!
So in December I started doing Blogmas. I stress the word 'started' because I never actually finished it. I'm the type of person that if I miss one day, there's no point carrying on because I would just focus on the fact I missed one day and I didn't actually 'complete' Blogmas, if you get what I'm saying? I guess I'm a 'go big or go home' kind of person and for Blogmas 2016 I went home...
As I was working in retail over December you would expect me to be extremely busy with work. Well you would be correct, I was doing over time pretty much every day/week. One week I did 41 hours and of course I was seeing friends and family over the Christmas period, so as much as I had loads to write about, I had no time to actually write about the events.
So I guess that's my overdue explanation to where my Blogmas 2016 went. My explanation for lack of posts since Blogmas, however is non-existent, other than the fact I lack motivation at the moment (different blog post coming soon...I promise) but now I'm telling myself I need to get my act together and I will be better this year!
So I have loads of expectations of 2017, they're pretty big expectations tbh. However, I don't actually know how realistic I'm actually being.
For me 2017 will mainly be about travel and adventures. That's the main reason I took the year off. I have many plans of where I want to go and when I will go and I will do everything in my power to follow them through because, my God do I love travelling and exploring new places.
Other than travel I want to meet more new people because at the end of 2016 I met some amazing people and created friendships that make me happy rather than restrained or drained from.
I go off to university this year. This is going so strange but I seriously cannot wait for it, which if I knew this time last year I would not have believed it one bit. University is something everyone talks about when you were younger and when it is your turn to go its quite unrealistic, I mean I'm supposed to be in my first year now if I didn't take a gap year but I am so pleased I took it.
My main expectation of 2017 is being happy and proud. I want to finish this year not regretting anything, feeling like I took every opportunity that I could and not wanting to change anything that I did. This is going to probably be the hardest because I always seem to have regrets...but this year I'm going to minimise it.
Other than travel I want to meet more new people because at the end of 2016 I met some amazing people and created friendships that make me happy rather than restrained or drained from.
I go off to university this year. This is going so strange but I seriously cannot wait for it, which if I knew this time last year I would not have believed it one bit. University is something everyone talks about when you were younger and when it is your turn to go its quite unrealistic, I mean I'm supposed to be in my first year now if I didn't take a gap year but I am so pleased I took it.
My main expectation of 2017 is being happy and proud. I want to finish this year not regretting anything, feeling like I took every opportunity that I could and not wanting to change anything that I did. This is going to probably be the hardest because I always seem to have regrets...but this year I'm going to minimise it.