Wednesday, 2 July 2014

My Stressful GCSEs

Well hello, yes I haven't blogged since around January time and it is now the second of July so it has been just under 6 months since my last blog post but by the title I used I am gathering you understand why. I had my GCSEs.

If you are not from England/ the UK you may not know what GCSEs are, so let me explain. In the UK we have these important examinations in the last year of school to set us out for our next level of education whether that would be to go to Sixth Form or a Collage or an apprenticeship.  And, no, it isn't just one examination for each subject you have taken for GCSE; a lot have two and sometimes even three exams.  Over one month I had 16 exams to do, bearing in mind I had 3 last year and I took my English Language exam early in November 2013.  It was a stressful time due to the amount of exams there are.

I am not just going to write about how dreadful and stressful the past 6 months have been for me because it is over now and I don't want to worry any year 10's that may be reading this for next year, but I am going to be honest.

So I started small amounts of revision in February, which seems quite early but it is worth starting around that time to make sure you go over everything. I started stepping up my revision a lot in the Easter holidays.  Anyway, the revision just basically drained the last bit of my social life I was holding on to, so by the end of all the revision and exams I had no idea what to do. I am being serious, I came home from my last exam on Friday 13th June and was like "what the hell do I do?" so I went to Marks & Spencer's with my mum to get food....that is the first thing I did with my freedom....brilliant. After that I was so used at being stressed over something I started stressing over a Sixth Form Induction Day that was two weeks away because I didn't really know anyone who would be doing my classes. So to sum it up, the first things I did with my extended summer holiday was go to M&S and stress about my next hurdle in life...well done Georgie.

GCSEs are stressful because of the amount of work you are doing as you have about 10, 11, maybe even 12 subjects that you have to revise a 2 year course for. But it does feel good once they are all over and I have learned to not worried and think about them in much detail because what is done, is done and I can't change what I wrote, so I have to wait til results day in August.

Overall Year 11 flew by, in fact so did the past 5 years I spent at my Secondary School. I still remember being in year 7 and looking at the year 11s and thinking "it is going to be ages till I'm in year 11" but honestly, it has gone by so fast. Year 11 has also got it's positives; for example at my school we get to have a fancy dress day on our last day of school before study leave and the rest of the school are still in uniform and have classes so it's just a day for year 11 which is fun.  We also got a prom at the end of all the exams, which I honestly didn't want to go to, but my friends dragged me and I am thankful, as I actually enjoyed it, but I think everybody's favourite thing about being in year 11 is the extended summer holiday you get when everyone else is in school. 

I had my fair share of breakdowns and a lot of anxiety (I don't actually have an anxiety problem though) because I am a worrier, even from a young age I have had some problems about worrying about things I shouldn't really be worrying about.  But I let myself listen to music when I started to slack with my revision as in my case it allowed me to be more chilled and carry on with my revision; I also listened to my music or watch some YouTubers when I needed some down time to myself, this, for me, was a very good way of trying to stay calm and not worry about my exams for a bit.

Now I am on my holidays, I will try my best to be posting more blogs, hopefully every week.


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