Thursday, 2 January 2014

30 Facts About Me

for my first blog post I decided to do 30 facts about me because then you will be able to get to know me more before I post my main topics. I will be posting about my favourite items  (not just beauty) I used each month, any interesting things that happen such as concerts, birthdays and days out and other bits and bobs, like advice.  You can ask me questions and after (or if) I get enough questions I will do a blog post titled "Questions & Answers".  So here are 30 facts about me;

1. As you have probably gathered my name is Georgie (Georgina).
2. I am 15 years old but I am going to be 16 at the start of February.

3. I am in my last year of secondary school and taking my GCSE'S which are; English Language, English literature, Maths, Double Core and Additional Science, German, Home Economics: Food and Nutrition, Religious Education, Geography and History.

can get all of these revision and text books on amazon
4. I have a little brother aged 13 years old.

5. I live with my Mum, Dad, my brother, two cats and my brother has a hamster.

6. I LOVE music; I am addicted.

Midnight Memories Album - Little Black Dress by One Direction

7. I LOVE youtubers such as Zoella (Zoe Sugg), Sprinkle of Glitter (Louise), Tanya Burr, Jim Chapman, Thatcher Joe (Joe Sugg), Pointless Blog (Alfie Deyes), Marcus Butler and others (as you probably can tell, I may also be slightly addicted to youtubers...).

8. I have been doing dancing since I was about 4 years old, I started doing ballet at 4 years old then at 9 years old I joined other dance groups but now I just do ballet still.

9.I am from the UK

10. I love the Irish accent.

11. I have 4 main resolutions for 2014. They are to; keep healthy, take more photos of my family and friends, go to the gym at least once a week and read more.

12. I LOVE movies.

Just some of my DVD collection :)


13. I LOVE Disney (never too old for Disney right?).

4. I also LOVE nail polish.

                                                     Just some of my collection of nail polish

 15.  I LOVE clothes, shoes and jewellery but I wouldn't class myself as a typical girly girl.

16.  I LOVE yankee candles.

17. I LOVE make-up but I actually don't us as much as some people.

18.  I am going to see Union J, XFactor Tour, Little Mix and One Direction in concert this year.

19.  My favourite music artists are; One Direction, Little Mix, 5 Seconds of Summer, Ed Sheeran, Olly Murs, Tich and McFly.

20. If someone asked me to pick my favourite food, song, movie or anything Disney I probably wouldn't be able to choose.

21.  I am quite short but I just think the people around me are taller than the average height!

22. I have blue eyes and brown hair....thick brown hair.

23. My favourite clothes shops are Topshop, New Look, River Island, Primark sometimes Hollister but I have sort of gone off it a bit lately (I don't really know why because some of their clothes are lovely but it is quite expensive).

24.  My favourite beauty shop is Superdrug.

25.  My favourite accessories and jewellery shops are Aspire (it is quiet a small branch of shops), Etsy (the website).

26. I LOVE Harry Potter and the Hunger Games!

27.  My favourite perfume at the moment is Our Moment by One direction, but I also love my other perfumes.

28. I have a paper round, which I loathe so I am going to quit soon and apply for part time jobs in shops in my local town when I am 16.

29.  I LOVE Jamie's World.  If you don't know who she is, look her page up on Facebook because she does funny videos that people can relate too, especially teenagers.

30. Lastly, I am scared of spiders (especially the big chunky hairy ones!), snakes (any type), sharks, deep water, heights but I am alright with quite tall buildings such as the Eiffel Tower and tall apartment blocks but I can't stand tall mountains like Snowdon...and that's not an excuse for getting out of walking up mountains because I still have to go up them on family walks.

Thank you so much for reading my first ever blog post, I hoped you liked it :)
