Well since it is 2014 now and no longer 2013 I decided to create myself some goals of the year, so here they are;
Firstly, I decided one of the most important new years resolutions I have came up with for myself to do is to actually stick to my new years resolutions so therefore I can and will reach my goals.
Secondly, one of my main goals on 2014 is to take videos and pictures of moments, days, events or random things with my family and friends so I won't forget it.
In 2013 I went skiing for the first time EVER, I went with the school in February half term with some of my friends and I regret not taking many photos. Yes, I will have that memory but I would have like to make a college of them so in years to come I can look back on it.
I also travelled around Europe, in the Summer, with my Mum, Dad and younger brother but I didn't take any photos and if I did I deleted them from my camera roll because it was too full of photos of celebrities or funny edits! My Mum did take some but I would like to have my own set of photos because you are taking photos of your own point of view (if that makes any sense).
I also went to Iceland with the school (again) with a couple of my friends and I again I took some photos but they were absolutely rubbish! This was because I used disposable cameras because I didn't want to brake mine or my Mum's camera but I liked the fact I could get them developed and into a photo album and not just on my computer because, lets face it, I would not look at them on my computer; when I am on my computer I am on my computer to blog, go on twitter/facebook and the main reason to go on YouTube.
So that's just some reasons why I want to take more videos and photos of 2014. The photos as well could help me with this blog.
Thirdly, like most people around the world, I want to be healthy. At the moment it isn't looking great but that's because I have gone out for lunch with my friends (which we do monthly) and I have left over chocolate from Christmas. So my aim is to be healthy from tomorrow (Monday 6th January) because I will be back at school then and I will find it easier not to eat rubbish all day.
I also have a plan that will help me to be healthy. As I was searching for something the other day I saw a little advert on a website saying to keep healthy you should drink water every hour of the day so I will come to school with water and drink some every hour, at school and at home. Obviously I wont be setting my alarm clock at every hour during the night because that would be stupid and there is no need. So I will be doing that little tip I read.
For my forth resolution, it is very similar to being healthy but to go to the gym at least once a week. I want to be more fit as at the moment the only sporty thing I do is my Ballet and if you class doing a paper round and walking (usually in the ran) for over an hour a week exercise (because I do!) than that's all I do and I want to become fitter.
At the gym I will go to classes, do work outs in the actual gym, maybe do a bit of swimming and also play either Tennis, Squash/Racket Ball or Badminton.
Another reason why I will be going once a week is because for about a year I was begging my parents for a gym membership at a nearby gym and at the end of September 2013 they gave in and got a family membership. Well I have gone....about 5 times possibly:) so I need to go more often to get the moneys worth out of it.
Lastly, I want to read more. I have never been much of a reader. When I was younger (about 5/6/7 years old) I really loved the Fairy books like "Georgia the Guinea Pig Fairy" and "Heather the Violet Fairy". I also liked the Sophie Book Series by Dick-King Smith such as "Sophie is Seven".
However when I was in year 5 of primary school (about 9 years old) my teacher picked up at the fact I could not read properly so at the start of every literacy lesson I had to go out for about 10 minutes and work through this book to help me with my reading skills, it was called "Toe-by-Toe" I don't know why it was called that, a bit random if you ask me.
So from then I didn't really think I could do English and to be honest I didn't like reading much. I didn't really read anything until I was in year 9 (13-14 years old) my English teacher was the one that made everyone bring in a book to read at the start of every 10 minutes of the lesson. I didn't do any reading at the start but after a while I did and I enjoyed it and from then I read a couple of books a year if and when I wanted to.
The book I really want to read in 2014 is "The Faults In Our Stars" by John Green. Everyone has been saying how good it is and I heard the movie is coming out in June so I thought it could be my first book I read before I watch the movie. I don't own it now but I will very soon.
A few books I am planning to read this year
Thank you so much for reading this post :)
If you liked it comment and if you want suggest new blog posts I could do, I have a few ideas but if you want to give me some suggestions I may do them.