Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Blogmas Day 8 || Five Favourite Christmas Moments

So we are eight days into Blogmas and today's post is about my Five Favourite Christmas Moments!

1. Christmas Eve

I absolutely love Christmas Eve, it sets the hype up for Christmas Day.  As you may know, my family and I have a tradition of walking to my cousin's local pub for lunch.  The whole day is so festive, everyone is in a great mood and I feel the Christmas feeling peaks this day for some reason!

2. Christmas Tree Shopping

You may also probably know that we always have a real Christmas tree so we get to go Christmas tree shopping at the start of December and it is always something I look forward to.  For me it is one of my favourite things to do at Christmas as walking around a Christmas tree farm picking your own tree out is so fun and festive!

3.  Christmas Movie Marathons
What screams Christmas more than a good old Christmas movie marathon?  I have several planned after I break up from sixth form with some of my friends because you can never have enough Christmas movie marathons!

4. Last Day of School/Sixth Form
I countdown to this day from the first day back at school after the half term holidays because this is when I get really excited for Christmas and I start to feel even more festive!  We get to go in with our Christmas jumpers on our last day of term as well! :)

5.  Turning on the lights
Quite a lot of the time I tend to miss the actual event of our village and town turning the Christmas lights on but one year I went and it felt so Christmas-y.  I also love driving through the village or town and seeing the lights turned on at night.

Hope you guys are enjoying my Blogmas posts, I am definitely enjoying writing them and reading everyone's blog posts whether they are apart of Blogmas or not.

I cannot believe we are already just over a week into December, I only have 19 hours left of lessons till we break up for the holidays if I have done my maths right!


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